​Founded in 1986,
The Orloski Law Firm has Proudly Protected the Rights of Greater Lehigh Valley Citizens for over 30 Years.
Who We Represent
The Orloski Law Firm has proudly protected the rights of the citizens of the Greater Lehigh Valley for over 20 years. We are a law firm devoted to your legal rights and have the experience, knowledge, and dedication to ensure that they are always secure. Our firm practices primarily in the areas of civil trial, personal injury law, civil rights law, employment discrimination, social security/disability, workers' compensation and unemployment compensation law.
We provide our clients with excellent legal representation. As a small firm, we can offer you the personal attention and efficiency you expect. The Orloski Law Firm in Allentown, PA has achieved outstanding results for our clients with representation in litigation and focused, strategic advice in personal and small business issues.
The Orloski Law Firm has appeared before all Federal and State Courts in the state of Pennsylvania.
Our Practice
Personal Injury
If you are injured through the negligence of another person, you may be able to make a claim for your injuries. The law puts strict time limits on when and how these claims can be made, so it is best to contact one of our lawyers whenever you think you may have a claim.
Automobile Accidents
When you are injured in an automobile accident, you should immediately report it to your own automobile insurance carrier. When you buy auto insurance, one of the things you are buying is medical coverage for your injuries. Your insurance carrier will give you a claim number so that you can get the medical treatment that you need.
Civil Rights
Our Constitution and the Bill of Rights provide the framework for our government and the foundation of our rights against government intrusion. If you believe that your civil rights have been violated, such as by police misconduct or intrusion on your First Amendment rights, you should contact an attorney from the Orloski Law Firm to determine a lawsuit is possible.
Social Security
By working, in addition to contributing to your Social Security Retirement, most people who work also have a deduction in their payroll called FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act). These deductions make you eligible for Social Security Disability benefits should you ever be unable to work because of illness or injury.
Employment Discrimination
If you are not a member of a union and you do not have a written employment contract, then the law in Pennsylvania, as it is in most states, is that you are an "at-will employee". Just as you can decide to leave a job for any reason, an employer can terminate your job for almost any reason. There are important exceptions, with the largest being that you cannot be fired because of your Age, Disability, Gender, Race/Color, Religion, or National Origin.
Unemployment Compensation
One of the most distressing situations a person or family can face is losing one’s job. Pennsylvania law can make this situation a little less harrowing by offering Unemployment Benefits.
If you are injured at work, then your rights and responsibilities will be controlled by Pennsylvania’s Workers’ Compensation law. The Department of Labor periodically puts out a brochure that gives a broad oversight of the law and answers common questions.
It is possible to purchase insurance policies that will pay a portion of your lost wages in the event that you become disabled due to an illness or injury. Many employers offer both Short and Long Term Disability insurance as part of their benefit plans. These insurance policies pay a portion of your wages if you become unable to work.